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34 posts to read

How to automate content creation with Airtable, and OpenAI’s API

Written on 20th August, 2023 |

4 min read min read

Create hundreds of articles or landing pages and populate them automatically with Airtable, and OpenAI API.

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Content Optimization When You Have No Traffic or Traffic is Decreasing

Written on 17th May, 2023 |

7 min read min read

How to actually optimize content when you see your organic traffic decreasing, or you get little to no traffic, despite publishing (some) content.

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6 Resources for Hiring Content Strategists, Writers, or Marketers

Written on 16th January, 2023 |

3 min read min read

Although there are plenty of groups, communities, and job listing websites focused on content roles, hiring content people is still a struggle for a lot of marketing managers.

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How Much Does Content Strategy Cost?

Written on 17th December, 2022 |

8 min read min read

I'll detail the cost breakdown for developing a content strategy, to give you an idea of what you can expect when hiring someone for this purpose.

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How to Do a Content Audit and Extract Actionable Insights

Written on 16th December, 2022 |

5 min read min read

At the end of this exercise, you should have a clear overview of what’s in your CMS, which pages need to be optimized, rewritten, or removed, and where your content gaps are.

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How to Align Your Content Strategy to Your Brand & Marketing Strategy

Written on 17th November, 2022 |

4 min read min read

To align content to your brand and marketing strategy, make sure your content targets the same verticals & ICPs, follows your brand narrative and messaging framework, and uses the best channels and formats for your marketing goals.

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Minimum Viable Content Strategy for Early-Stage SaaS Startups

Written on 13th November, 2022 |

2 min read min read

Avoid content chaos if you're just starting to create content for a new SaaS startup

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Content Marketing KPIs: What to Track and How to Measure Them

Written on 9th August, 2022 |

5 min read min read

When you set content marketing KPIs, always start with your company’s business and marketing goals.

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Content Marketing Workflow Automation with Airtable, Google Drive and Zapier

Written on 27th June, 2022 |

4 min read min read

How I use these tools to automate steps in the content lifecycle

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Managing the Content Lifecycle Across Teams: Workflows & Roles

Written on 12th May, 2022 |

5 min read min read

To avoid internal misalignments and improve the efficiency of your content processes, you can distribute the ownership of the different content lifecycle stages across teams and roles.

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How to Use Reverse Engineering for Focusing Your Keyword Research

Written on 20th April, 2022 |

5 min read min read

If you always end up with huge lists of keywords and don’t know what to target next, try this approach.

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How to Interview Stakeholders When Developing a Content Strategy

Written on 25th March, 2022 |

6 min read min read

Interview your stakeholders in the beginning of a content project to get the full picture, narrow down the scope, set goals and manage expectations.

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How to Conduct User Research When Creating Your SaaS Content Strategy

Written on 8th March, 2022 |

8 min read min read

In this article we'll detail user research methods such as interviews, surveys and micro-surveys, focus groups or social media research, along with the tools you can use.

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How to Develop a Content Roadmap That Supports Your Goals

Written on 15th February, 2022 |

5 min read min read

How can you prevent the content chaos and keep your focus and sense of purpose, while satisfying your stakeholders’ expectations? By developing a yearly content roadmap that’s aligned to the general business objectives.

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The Process I Use When Optimizing New vs. Existing Content

Written on 10th February, 2022 |

9 min read min read

This article is destined for content writers/marketers and SEO specialists who are looking to understand the thinking process and strategy behind optimizing content.

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Building a Scalable Content Strategy: A 5-Step Framework

Written on 13th December, 2021 |

9 min read min read

Learn how to develop, implement, and scale up a global content strategy. We show you the step-by-step process, with templates included.

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Competitor Content Analysis: A Practical Example

Written on 17th November, 2021 |

5 min read min read

I will analyze the competitors of Poise, a platform that offers narration services to authors and content creators who want to have their written content repurposed into audio format.

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The Role of Metadata in a Content Strategy

Written on 15th July, 2021 |

5 min read min read

If you work for one of the few companies who actually have structured content in place, but you’re still not seeing its benefits, I can almost guess that you’re missing the last piece of the puzzle: the metadata model.

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This Is How to Attract Leads From an Uneducated Audience

Written on 24th June, 2021 |

4 min read min read

The key to generating leads from an uneducated market lies in shifting from building awareness to commercial intent queries.

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Mapping Content to the User Journey: A Practical Example

Written on 24th May, 2021 |

5 min read min read

In this article, we will look at the journey of a user who wants to make a career switch and to learn web development, but who can’t quit his current job.

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Introducing the ACRE Content Marketing Framework

Written on 9th May, 2021 |

5 min read min read

The acronym comes from Audit — Consolidate (or optimize) — Repurpose (or curate). The reasoning behind this content marketing strategy is that less content, but properly optimized, is better than more content of mediocre quality.

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Making Strategic Decisions when Creating Content

Written on 5th May, 2021 |

8 min read min read

The purpose of this article is to give you a better understanding of how to think when planning the types of content to create, by looking at what your customer is experiencing and mapping that to your business goals.

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When to Use Gated Content & When to Switch to Tripwire Offers

Written on 21st April, 2021 |

3 min read min read

Gated content isn’t meant to sell products, it’s meant to get you leads. So if you want to get more out of your content, you should add a tripwire offer to the mix.

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Content Personalization Prerequisites: The Content Model

Written on 15th March, 2021 |

5 min read min read

You can’t have personalization without defining content types and the relationships between them.

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Content Migration Framework

Written on 8th February, 2021 |

4 min read min read

I’ll detail the steps and explain why you need to prepare so many things before migrating the content, instead of just starting the copy-paste work.

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Content Governance Models for Global Marketing Teams

Written on 4th January, 2021 |

7 min read min read

Choosing the content governance model is the first step in developing a global content strategy.

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What Should a Content Brief Contain? Example from a SaaS Business

Written on 23rd December, 2020 |

7 min read min read

Areas to cover in a brief for your content writers, including what to look for when researching your audience.

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Your Content Is Not Your Product, It’s Your Sales Agent

Written on 11th December, 2020 |

4 min read min read

The key to generating leads from an uneducated market lies in shifting from building awareness to commercial intent queries.

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The 30-60-90 Day Content Strategy and Marketing Plan

Written on 4th November, 2020 |

6 min read min read

If you've recently joined a new company as a content strategist, marketer or manager, and you've been asked to create a 30-60-90 day plan, this article is for you.

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Planning a Content Campaign: Segments, Channels, and Content Flow

Written on 14th August, 2020 |

4 min read min read

Learn how to plan a content campaign, from audience research and distribution flows to KPIs and ROI calculation.

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Targeting and Segmentation in E-commerce: Offline vs. Online Shops

Written on 2nd July, 2020 |

3 min read min read

Segmenting your customer base using demographic data such as their gender, age and income should never be the first criteria you use.

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From Content Chaos to Structured Content, with a Decoupled CMS

Written on 5th June, 2020 |

6 min read min read

Create once, publish everywhere: the dream of every (content) marketer. This is possible with a headless or a decoupled CMS, where content is stored separately from logic and presentation layers.

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What Should Be Included in a Content Strategy Document

Written on 12th May, 2020 |

5 min read min read

This article details the areas covered in a content strategy document and includes a content strategy template example.

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Content Marketing Learning Path & Resources

Written on 12th March, 2020 |

4 min read min read

This article covers the main topics you should learn about if you want to improve your content marketing skills. The learning path is based on the T-shaped marketer model so it looks at both horizontal, broad topics and vertical ones.

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